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Cumbria Fair Trade Network

We are an alliance of like-minded groups and individuals committed to promoting Fairtrade and Trade Justice around Cumbria. We were formed in January 2004 at a meeting of campaigners in Ambleside - so this year, we're celebrating 20 years as a network!


Through the network, local groups help each other with their campaigning efforts, the buying and selling of Fairtrade products and with logistical support at local events. At least once a year, we host meetings which are open to all Fairtrade campaigners in the county, for learning and for sharing news, plans and good practice.


Our aims are:

  • to promote the concept and to increase the awareness of Fairtrade in Cumbria

  • to promote the buying, selling, serving and use of Fairtrade products within the county

  • to alleviate poverty by campaigning for a fair system of international trade

  • to highlight the connections between Fairtrade, sustainability and the climate crisis. All Fairtrade farmers must farm in a sustainable and ecologically positive manner


The network is led by a Steering Group which is elected at the AGM and which meets bi-monthly.


If you are interested in joining the network, receiving our newsletter, or if you'd like to find out more about your local group, get in touch with us here.

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