Making connections between local Fairtrade campaigning groups and the schools in their area is a great way to promote the values which underpin Fairtrade and trade justice.​

​Trade, climate and social justice, equity and empathy-building are at the centre of both Fairtrade and global learning and these connections between campaigners and schools present opportunities to talk with young people about where their food comes from, how they are connected to people in other parts of the world and the ways in which local actions and decisions can have a global impact.
Follow this link to start the process of becoming a Fairtrade School.
Follow this link to get started with resources and lesson plans from the Fairtrade Foundation.
Follow this link to find out more about CDEC's training for teachers, classroom activities and teaching resources or get in touch directly.
Cumbria Development Education Centre (CDEC) works alongside CFTN to help make these connections.
CDEC is a global learning charity working with schools and communities in and beyond Cumbria, inspiring, educating and enabling them to influence social and environmental justice in their world.
CDEC's vision is
“Cumbria as a beacon
of global citizenship”
- a place where young
people, through their
global learning
experiences, become informed, responsible and active global citizens with a lifelong commitment to building a fairer and more sustainable world.​