Carlisle to host series of events to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight
Why not help celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight this year by heading to Carlisle to join in one of the local group's events.
During Fairtrade Fortnight, which runs from 25 February to 10 March, the Carlisle Fairtrade Group will be hosting a quiz night at the ever popular Cakes & Ale Cafe and a Fairtrade walk from Dalston back to Carlisle.
Book your quiz team of up to 6 people for Friday 1 March via the Cakes & Ale Cafe, on 01228 529067, as soon as possible as space is limited. Questions begin at 7.30 but the doors open at 7.00. It will be a fun night, and the cafe is licensed.
And on Saturday 9 March, come and join in the family friendly fair-trade themed walk along a section of the Fair Trade Way. The walk is about 4 miles, with easy access along a good path that mostly runs along the River Caldew. The walk starts at Dalston and is a one way walk. Take the 10.13am train from Carlisle to Dalston and walk back to Carlisle. There are also direct buses from near Cornerstone cafe to Dalston.
• Free chocolate treat to all who take part kindly donated by the Coop • Refreshments will be available at the Cornerstone Cafe, Denton Holme, where we finish the walk • Take a look at the Fairtrade Stall organised by Carlisle World Shop: Beautiful, one-of-a-kind gifts and goodies produced by fairtrade artisans from around the world will be on sale • I LOVE CARLISLE Fairtrade cotton t-shirts will be for sale for £1 only • No booking needed - just turn up • Family friendly. Good for bikes and pushchairs
For news of other Fairtrade Fortnight events, follow us on Facebook @cumbriafairtrade