Get Involved with Fairtrade Fortnight 2021 - Choose the World You Want
In less than 3 weeks' time, Faritrade Fortnight's Choose the world you want virtual festival will be getting in to full swing.
But you don’t need to wait to grab a piece of the virtual fun. Sign up today to 5 of the Fairtrade Fortnight festivities. It’s been a tough year since last Fairtrade Fortnight, and each event – whether it’s meeting talented artists from around the world or getting tips on sprucing up your house plants – will be a brilliant chance for our global Fairtrade community to come together again.
This year more than ever, it’s important we come together to stand with the people behind the food we depend on, as they face the daily realities of the climate crisis. The recent storms across Central America devastated many Fairtrade farmers; destroying their crops and their ability to earn enough to provide for their families. These storms were just the latest example of how increasingly extreme and unpredictable weather patterns are pushing small-scale farmers to the brink.

Those Fairtrade coffee farmers in Honduras, like the Fairtrade cocoa farmers in Coté d’Ivoire, have contributed the least to the Climate Crisis. Yet through erratic weather patterns, increasing plant diseases and rising temperatures, the rapidly changing climate offers an immediate threat to their livelihoods.
Farmers and workers cannot adapt to these unprecedented challenges, combined with the Covid-19 pandemic, when they aren’t earning enough for the absolute essentials. Simply put, the farmers and workers in these countries and other climate vulnerable areas around the world need to earn more if they are to survive the climate crisis.
Choosing Fairtrade is a vitally important way to put more money and more power in their hands.