Cumbria's Fairtrade supporters share their ideas with others at the Fairtrade Supporters' No
Last September, Delphine and some other members of Cumbria Fairtrade Network's steering committee and local groups headed to the...

Save the Date! The CFTN AGM and Spring Meeting
The Cumbria Fairtrade Network's AGM and Spring Meeting is on Saturday 18 April. Save the date! And reserve your place! The Cumbria...

Get ready for Fairtrade Fortnight 2020!
Around Cumbria, local Fairtrade groups are getting ready to host a variety of events to celebrate the fantastic work and campaigning for...

Cumbrians contribute to Fairtrade quilt
Individuals around Cumbria have been sewing squares to contribute to a Fairtrade quilt. People from Arnside to Carlisle and Penrith to...