Discover more Fairtrade Fortnight events to get involved with!

Fairtrade Fortnight is upon us, and we are buzzing with the range of events going on around Cumbria! Take a look at what's been planned and we hope that you find one or two that inspire you think and act Fairtrade.
18-24 February: Not strictly Fairtrade Fortnight, but one to get the kids involved with over halfterm is Kendal's Fairtrade shopping treasure trail. Twenty-four shops are involved and there will also be a prize draw - so keep your eyes out for this.
25 February to 10 March:
- Windermere and Bowness Group are holding Fairtrade stalls in:
Co-op Supermarket, Bowness
Co-op Supermarket, Windermere
Booths Supermarket, Windermere
Gregg’s Bakery, Windermere
Manuka Health Food, Windermere
Come along and find out more about Fairtrade by talking to members of the group, who will be in attendance.
- Keep an eye out for the Fairtrade display in Penrith Library, which will include leaflets, Fairtrade items and Fairtrade clothes! It'll be there for the full two weeks.
Wed 27 Feb: Come along to Kirkby Lonsdale Group's coffee morning at the Book Lounge from 10am to 12pm. The rep from Farrer's will also be there.
Sun 3 March: Windermere and Bowness Group are holding Fairtrade sales tables after the services at Carver United Church, St. Martin’s Bowness and Our Lady of Windermere and St. Herbert.
Mon 4 March: Come along to hear the Fairtrade foundation's Head of Brand and Marketing Julia Nicoara give an illustrated talk followed by we hope a lively discussion. This talk is FREE and is being held at John Watt and Son, Blackfriars Street, Carlisle CA3 8HB

Tues 5 March: Caldbeck's group are holding a quiz at The Oddfellows Arms, Caldbeck. 7.00pm for 7.30pm start, with finish at 9.30pm. Each team can have up to six people. Tickets cost £5.00 per person which includes refreshments, and can be bought from The Oddfellow Arms, Caldbeck; Kirkland Stores, Caldbeck; The Village Shop, Hesket Newmarket and from Carole Marsters on 016974-77061. There will also be a raffle with Fairtrade prizes.
Weds 6 March: Arnside's group are holding a coffee morning at the Methodist Church, Arnside from 10.30-12.00pm. The Grange Co-op is supporting the event by providing Fairtrade goods.
Fri 8 March: Millom Group is celebrating 19 years of involvement with Fairtrade with a birthday supper! Tickets for the two course dinner and coffee/tea at Trackside Restaurant, Millom from 7pm are £13. Cumbria Fairtrade Network Chair Martin Sleath will speak, as will the Head of Haverigg Primary School who will share their activities over Fairtrade Fortnight. Please email by 1st March for tickets.
Sat 9 March: Penrith group are hosting a Big Brew at the Penrith Methodist Church on Wordsworth Street. Come along any time between 10am and 12pm for tea, coffee and cake (donations will be gratefully received), a quiz and to buy some fair trade items at the Fairtrade stall.
Other events to keep your eyes open for!
Herron Hill Primary School are also hosting a big brew day, with cakes and competitions to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight.
On 21 March, Penrith Group are holding a fashion show in partnership with the WI.
Kirkby Lonsdale's group are having a coffee morning in the Book Lounge on 27 March.