Tea, Cake and Laughter!
Windermere and Bowness Fairtrade Group invite you to join them for an afternoon of tea, cake and laughter with Helen Dolder! Come along...

Arnside Fairtrade Group launch a Postcard
The Fairtrade Group at Arnside has produced and launched a new postcard that they will be selling to raise money to further their cause...

Show your support for Fairtrade Banana producers - sign the petition
German supermarket chain Lidl is moving away from its commitment to stock only Fairtrade bananas. This is a terrible shock for the banana...

Kendal's children celebrate the Fairtrade logo's 25th birthday by designing posters to be di
Kendal's school children have created posters to celebrate the 25th birthday of the Fairtrade logo. A selected few from Heron Hill...

Fair trade fashion show inspires Colby women to chose responsibly made clothing!
A very successful fair trade fashion show was held in Colby Village Hall, attended by Colby and District WI. The ladies of the WI...

Local fair trade group supports Arnside School Fair
The Arnside fair trade group supported their local primary school's fair this May. By donating the Fairtrade tea, coffee and sugar and...

Inspirational Fairtrade campaigner visits Windermere’s schools
Global Fairtrade campaigner Pushpanath Krishnamurthy visited Windermere’s local schools last week to encourage pupils and teachers to...

Annual Spring Meeting Celebrates 25 years of the Fairtrade Mark
2019 is the 25th year of the Fairtrade Mark and on Saturday 27th April, the Cumbria Fair Trade Network held their annual spring meeting...

Fairtrade Fortnight is celebrated in Arnside with a coffee morning
Arnside Fairtrade Group celebrated Fairtrade Fortnight at the end of February with a coffee morning. Many visitors made it to their...

Discover more Fairtrade Fortnight events to get involved with!
Fairtrade Fortnight is upon us, and we are buzzing with the range of events going on around Cumbria! Take a look at what's been planned...